Thursday 25 February 2016

Before and during japanese occupation (education)

Before japanese occupation;

Before the japanese occupation, when the british ruled, education can be Chosen to their liking, there's no "Must". The chinese can learn their language, likewise the malays and indians, as long as they have money to pay for their school fees. But ,most people will choose to take english, because it will be easier and higher chances for them to get a job, or jobs with higher ranking. Life was good until the Japanese attacked...

During the Japanese occupation

During the japanese occupation, school students had to learn and write javanese. it became a "must" and during morning assembly, All of the student had to sing the japanese anthem although it can be hard to pronounce. Adults as well, they wasn't spared from this as well, they had to speak the language as well. Because the japanese thought if they did this, they can rule them all easier.